Building Block 3

The third building block in this suggested decentralized network would be nodes that are established and distributed across the world. These nodes are legal entities that serve as contributors to the capneo DAO, based on a predefined contractual relationship. They can be the bridge between the virtual capneo DAO and the real world partners needed, to implement projects, acquire properties, keep the land registers or maintain direct contact with the local authorities.

Nodes should be in charge of their own economics and follow the laws in the respective jurisdiction. Each node would be managed by agents that are appointed via community governance. Agents can be people from the community or the initiator team who make meaningful contributions, demonstrate commitment to the DAO and sign the agents agreement.

A blueprint would describe the setup of the nodes to ensure the quality and trustworthiness of each node. The onboarding process would be directed by the Working Groups and the setup of each node needs to be accompanied by responsible agents for a certain period of time. This is to ensure that the grants and funds from the community are safe. Appropriate contractual arrangements need to be made for the community, represented by elected representatives, to take action against the a node in the event of a legal dispute.

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